The price of wheat in Newham, London – Ramadan, 1445 (2024)

The cautious minimum price saqadat al-fitr and fidyah in Newham is £4.88. This is based on the median minimum retail price for 2.32 kg of wheat. It should not be less than £2.30. The median minimum price for 2kg is £2.60.

The price of wheat in Newham, London – Ramadan, 1444 (2023)

The cautious minimum price for sadaqat al-fitr and fidyah in Newham is £2.50. This is based on the retail price for 2.32 kilograms of wheat. It should not be lower than £1.85. The median price for 2kg is £2.39 and for 2.5kg is £3.64.

The price of wheat in Newham, London – Ramadan, 1443 (2022)

The cautious minimum price for sadaqat al-fitr and fidyah in Newham is £2.54. This is based on the retail price for 2.32 kilograms of wheat. It should not be lower than £1.49. Bar outliers, the median price for 2kg is £3.78 and for 2.5kg is £4.08.

The price of wheat in Newham, London – Ramadan, 1441 (2020)

This report outlines the price of wheat in Newham (London) during Ramadan, 1441 (May, 2020) and the subsequent recommendation for the rate of sadaqat al-fitr and fidyah. The recommended price for sadaqat al-fitr and fidyah in Newham is £2.30. It should not be lower than £1.65.

The price of wheat in Newham, London – Ramadan, 1440 (2019)

Content- Summary- Rationale- Retail price- Further reading This report outlines the price of wheat in Newham (London) during...

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